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Renting with Pets?
over 4 years ago
Renting with Pets?

In South Australia, all residential tenancies are bound by the Residential Tenancies Act 1995 and this legislation is reviewed approximately every 5 years for further amendments. 

This year, the legislation is again being reviewed with a number of proposed changes being thrown around within the industry. Recent changes interstate have seen significant changes around allowing pets within rental properties.

Currently in South Australia, a landlord can refuse a pet in their property without stating a reason. However, this could soon change.

Currently before the parliament is the Residential Tenancies (Renting with Pets) Amendment Bill which has been introduced by The Greens. 

The proposed legislation provides rights for tenants to have a pet in the property unless the landlord has a legitimate reason for declining (eg suitability of the property). In the event that a landlord wishes to decline, they would be required to apply to the tribunal to seek an exception to decline the pet.

Now, it is important to remember that this is only a bill and has not been passed through the parliament. However, this could be a sign of things to come.

Let us know your thoughts on these proposed changes by leaving a comment or emailing our team. Are there any other changes you would like made to legislation?

 Alternatively, have a chat to your local State MP to discuss your thoughts surrounding changes to the legalisation. 


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